"06", Jimmy Jones Photography

Why electing pro-wolf officials matters

Election cycles determine the officials who will be shaping wolf-related bills and policy. Their actions can either protect or endanger our wolf populations.

Federal Government

The Endangered Species Act provides the highest level of legal protection available for wolves nationwide, prohibiting hunting and trapping. Federal officials can either maintain these protections or remove them through a process known as delisting.

  • Appoint staff to federal agencies, such as the Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, that oversee wolf management
  • Sign or veto bills to list or delist wolves as an endangered species
  • Appoints Federal Judges that make important decisions on laws affecting Wolves.  
U.S. Senate
  • Confirm or reject the President’s appointments to agencies that oversee wolf management
  • Pass wolf bills to list or delist wolves as an endangered species
U.S. House of Representatives
  • Pass wolf bills to list or delist wolves as an endangered species
State Government

If federal protections are removed, wolf management responsibility shifts to the states. State officials then can either continue protecting wolves within their borders or allow hunting and trapping.

  • Appoint staff to state agencies that oversee wolf management
  • Sign or veto state wolf population management bills
State Senate
  • Confirm or reject the Governor’s appointments to state agencies that oversee wolf management
  • Pass state wolf management bills and resolutions
State House of Representatives/Assembly
  • Pass state wolf management bills and resolutions

Your Elected Officials

Enter your address to find out who represents you and whether they stand with wolves.

Why your vote matters

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Information on this application is open sourced through the Open States Project. The 06 Legacy uploads data from Open States the first week of each month. The pro-wolf directory is developed and managed by The 06 Legacy. For more details or to explore how it can support your cause, please get in touch info@the06legacy.com.

2024 Presidential Election

Tuesday, November 5, 2024



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