Joe Austin Photography/Alamy Stock

The 06 Legacy

Dedicated to protecting America's gray wolves through education, awareness, and electing pro-wolf candidates to office.

Stop The Killing

Wolves are essential to the health of wilderness ecosystems; yet tragically, trophy hunting and trapping of these majestic animals have turned states into killing fields, endangering their numbers on a massive scale.


218 wolves killed in under 3 days: Feb. 22-24, 2021


85% of Wyoming is open to year-round, unlimited and unregulated, shoot-on-sight wolf killing


passed legislation intending to kill 85-90% of their statewide wolf populations


25 Park wolves killed in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho: Sept. 15, 2021-March 15, 2022

How to Help

Meet "06"

The tragic death of this legendary Yellowstone alpha female has inspired a global movement to secure a safe future for wolves, no matter where they roam.

The 06 Story in Wolf Stories
Jimmy Jones Photography