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The 06 Legacy
Kathy Gregory
2 minutes

We are Tired of Politics, but Wolves are Counting on Us!

At this time of year, everyone is tired of the P-word (politics). In the fall, we were bombarded with ads, text messages, and phone calls from candidates and parties.

We voted (hopefully) and watched the returns come in. It is now February and candidates are being sworn into office. We breathe a sigh of relief, glad it's over for another year or two. Right? WRONG!! At The 06 Legacy, the election cycle never stops. We recognize that change happens with policymaking. As a 501c4 nonprofit organization, we engage in the political process directly by lobbying on behalf of wolves and endorsing pro-wolf candidates for election. With the new year, we must take stock and gear up for the 2024 election now. TODAY. First, how did we do with endorsements? 2022 was a pivotal year for The 06 Legacy. We launched a new website and endorsed candidates for the first time. With the election nearing, we had to rely on candidates that publicly supported emergency relisting or how they voted on wolf bills to determine who to endorse. Our scope was limited, though we still managed to nominate candidates in all but 16 states. We endorsed 282 candidates, with 241 running for office in 2022. Of that total, the candidates we endorsed won 229 races and lost only 12. I am happy to report that the candidates we endorsed had a 95% winning percentage!

Now, we are looking to improve the endorsement process. We will be contacting elected officials in all 50 states to determine their position on wolves. Endorsements will be based on their answers as well as voting record. We will do the same for opponents running against incumbent candidates. Keep in mind that this is a massive undertaking, but we are up for the challenge! All the while, we will continue to monitor what is happening with wolves and wolf policy in each state.

At the 06 Legacy, we are working hard to protect wolves. That means keeping officials accountable for decisions and policies. This is what we are going to do. What can you do?

Tell your friends and neighbors about The 06 Legacy. If you like what you hear from us, please consider donating or making a purchase from the shop. It takes all of us to keep wolves safe.

Watch this space for updates on wolf policy and politics.

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